Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Meeting Old Friends.

Last Monday, the movers brought to the new house all our things that have been in storage for the last two-and-a-half years.

By the time they finished unloading, the place was so filled boxes that we thought we'd never be able to fit everything in. And we had sold and given away so much stuff before we left for Vietnam!

As nice as it is to have all our possessions back with us, though, the best part is rediscovering all our favorite pieces of art and falling in love with them all over again.

It's been like meeting old friends:

 Our magic dog, who seems to have acquired some new friends.

Hanuman, still with the same old girlfriend.

A royal elephant.

Our cook. She's looking a little anorexic, 
but she still makes a mean margarita 
in our favorite margarita glasses.

Baby Ganesh and his big, blue buddy.

His grown-up, slightly demented Balinese incarnation.

And so many more. 

We're in heaven.



Steve said...

And they all seem so happy to be back.

eileen said...

Cheers...and welcome back...missed you!