Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My Musical Journey. Part 1: Folkways Records

I’ve been thinking a lot about music during this long period of isolation. Specifically, about the music I’ve discovered over the years that has changed and shaped my musical tastes. Over the next days and weeks, I’d like to share my musical journey and I’d love to hear about yours. 

Smithsonian Folkways Children's Collection

As a kid I had a small portable record player in my room that played 78 and 45 rpm records.

The first records I remember playing were children’s songs from a series of records put out by the Folkways label. My mom subscribed to the series, and once a month I'd get a new record. The songs were mostly classic folksongs like “Polly Wolly Doodle” and “Oh, Susanna.” Folkways had a decidedly leftist bent, so there were also a lot of work songs like “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.” Woody Guthrie sang “This Land is Your Land.” Pete Seeger sang “All You Lucky Campers” and “Blow Ye Winds.” 

As I got older, I graduated to 33 rpm and started listening to folk music and protest songs.


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