Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Monumental Was Our Valley

After our excellent adventure in Canyon de Chelly, we motored off towards our next destination: Monument Valley. Accommodations near the park being limited, we found a nice motel in Kayenta, a dusty little burg abiout 22 miles south. They were piping the flute stylings of a Naxajo musician who we had met at Canyon de Chelly (Travis Terry, excellent CD, very simple (no synths!) and soulful music) as we drove up. Sweet!

Because we hadn't had enough bad food, we decided to seek out a little hole in the wall promising authentic Navajo food. I pity the poor Navajo. Greasy, bland, in every way not good. And to add insult to injury, the Navajo nation doesn't allow the sale of alcohol, so we couldn't even drown our sorrows in an ice-capped martini.

Next morning on to the valley, Very monumental, as promised. Unfortunately, our car is so loaded with John's stuff that we were advised not to try to traverse the unpaved road that leads among the monuments themselves. So all pictures were taken from afar. Still, many amazing sights. Here are some very non-monumental, postage-stamp tastes.

We nicknamed this one "The Owl".

Panorama of the entrance to the valley.

The famous West Mitten.

It's far more monumental when you're there.

One of O's cousins came to say hello.

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