Friday, June 5, 2009

We set out on a great new adventure

It's something we've always wanted to do: live in another country and experience another way of life. And now we're doing it. We've shed most of our worldly possessions, gotten our certifications, rewritten our resumes and we're applying for jobs teaching English in Vietnam and China.

We are Peter Kuhlman and Ophelia Ramirez. We are 60 and 59. We are reinventing our lives.

The first step in this reinvention is getting rid of stuff. Don't get me wrong, we like our stuff, but it is also an anchor. So we've sold and donated and discarded much of what we've accumulated in the 27 years we've been together (as well as a certain amount of things we had acquirred in the years before we met.) We've kept artwork that we love, a few pieces of furniture and technology, clothes, and a few photos and mementos. Most of those are going in storage while we find jobs overseas.

While we look for work, we are taking a five-week road trip. We will visit the Grand Canyon, the Bay Area to visit some of our best friends, then on to Boise to stay with our son, John, his wife, Emily, and our youngest granddaughter, Luciya. Once we return, we'll stay with our daughter, Teresa, her husband, Matthew, and their two daughters, Syona and Devon, until we are ready to move to Asia.

We hope that we will be able to find jobs by July and move overseas by August. That is the short version of where we find ourselves. As we continue this blog we want to share with you more about how we got here, what we hope to do in the future, how it feels to completely change your life in the late middle ages.


Shem the Wrench said...

yayyyyy! i'm already riveted. good job! and, i love the quote on top ("we just added vodka"...) love you!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to make sure you chill as well and for that you'll need ice. (M...XXX)