Saturday, January 16, 2010

Introducing Mirabel Ruby

We welcome our fifth granddaughter into our family.

Mirabel made her entry into the world and into our lives in the wee hours of the morning - 4:53am - on January 15th. This sweet bundle of love weighted in at 8lbs. 60z. As can be seen from the pictures below, she is gorgeous, angelic, and she is a Down Syndrome baby. We are so happy and excited to have her join our family. The only difficult part is that it may be months before we can meet her personally.

Mama, Daddy and baby are doing fine. So is big sister Luciya and bigger sister Eryn.

Newly born Mirabel Ruby

A few hours old.

Sleeping peacefully.

P. & O.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's very cute :X