Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ah, Idaho!

On the first day of spring we had cabin fever, so we decided to take a drive south toward the Owyhee mountains. The day was gray and blustery, and the area turned out to be less photogenic than we'd hoped, especially since the mountains themselves were obscured by drizzle and grizzle. There is a sort of bleak grandeur to the high desert, the gray scrub hugging the gray dirt and stretching tediously toward the gray horizon, its flatness broken only by the slewed shoulders of a few low buttes. But it doesn't make for particularly compelling photos.

Still, it was good to get out of our tiny apartment, even though it was far too cold and windy to get out of the car for long. And we did get a good look at the wonders of rural Idaho.

Including a great spot to pick up the three essentials
of rural Idaho life: beer, bait, and bullets.

Out here, it's all about cowboys. And Spider-man.

And, of course, grannies with machine guns.

Ah, Idaho!


1 comment:

Steve said...

And the gas seems to be free. The American dream.