Thursday, March 31, 2011

Support Your Local Wildlife.

One thing about Idaho is that you feel closer to nature here. Even in the center of the city. This morning. traffic stopped downtown to allow a gaggle of geese to waddle across the street. The birds weren't in a hurry, either.

But that's just the beginning. Idaho may be slashing pay for teachers and cutting off support for low-income people, but it seems that there's no shortage of support for the local wildlife.

Apparently the state's runaway meth problem is now affecting
its vulnerable ruminant population. But not to worry,
there's a support group for them!

Human unemployment may be high, but ursine citizens
can still find ways to make a buck selling RVs seized from
terrorized tourists. Good prices, though, if you're
willing to overlook the clawed-up interiors.

Even man's best friend can find a place to drown his sorrows
when the toilet seat is down.

Even exotic species have spots where they can congregate.
Boise sometimes surprises me with its broadmindedness.



Steve said...

Good for you, Peter. I feel the same way. My blog is energizing my photography.

Steve said...

Actually, you have inspired me to put my short non-fiction piece on my blog.