Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The High (and Low) Cost of Health Care.

In preparation for our trip to Cambodia, we went to a health clinic to get malaria pills. We also needed to get our third and final Hepatitis B shots, and I needed a refill of my hypertension pills. Because the days have been so hectic lately, we elected to go on the weekend. We went to one of the major clinics in town that caters to expats, International S.O.S. The nurse was very nice. She assured us that they could get us malaria. We chuckled until she gave us the the price sheet which showed that it would cost us $140 each just to see the doctor. However, if we were willing to wait until Monday, the cost would drop to a mere $75 apiece.

Now that may sound okay by US standards, but for Hanoi, it's highway robbery. So we decided we'd rearrange our schedules so we could go on Monday to the clinic where we got our second Hep B shots, the Korean-Vietnamese Friendship Clinic.

On Monday, then, we got our jabs and pokes and prods and left having spent a mere $35 total. That's for doctor's consultation, Hep B shots, and two month perscription refill.

We may not be Korean or Vietnamese, but the KV Friendship Clinic is our friend.


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