Wednesday, February 24, 2010

O. Gets a Massage. By Fish!

After another six-hour bus ride, we arrive in Siem Reap, the city closest to Angkor Wat. As a major tourist destination, Siem Reap has upscale hotels and great restaurants, aggressive hawkers and beggars.

We found a nice, inexpensive hotel (the white building in the
center background) just off the main street.

O. had wanted to try the fish massage for a while, and
with a pitch like this, who could resist?
(Click to enlarge the compelling copy.)

You put your feet in the pool and the fish swarm to eat all the dead skin. It tickles.

The happy customer sports baby-soft, practically callus-free feet.
Definitely a unique experience.

Click here for more photos of Saigon and Cambodia.



Steve said...

Man - it must be hard to train those fish. We've had our fish for three years now, and they still aren't trained.

Unknown said...

As for the compelling copy, did the treatment make O happy and funny? Or happier and funnier?

Ophelia and Peter said...

S- It apparently takes up to ten years to train the fish - don't give up, the results are worth it.

wtfwjd - I left happier and Peter says definitely funnier.

Beth said...

Well tickle me smooth! Fish with a toe fettish - who knew.