Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life's a Beach.

So here we are in paradise. Now I remember how much I've missed the ocean, how much I love tropical islands. The temp is about 82, but there's a soft, cool breeze. Our little hotel is funky and family-run, very friendly and laid-back.

There are no high-rises. and even though all the hotels are full,
there are so few hotels that the beaches are practically empty.

The island's population is mostly very poor. Here's one of the fishing boats the locals use.

It's a beautiful, tranquil spot. The noise and frenetic energy of Hanoi seem very far away.



Steve said...

It looks great, guys. Who are most of the tourists, Vietnamese?

VKJ said...

Wonderful! I wish I was there with you. V

Ophelia and Peter said...

Steve: Most the tourists are northern Europeans. The winter has been particularly cold and the flights here particularly cheap. We've met people from Switzerland, Sweden and Finland and heard a lot of German and French, as well as Russian.