Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...I'm only sleeping

The lunch nap is not to be interferred with. (yes, it's ok to end a sentence with a preposition - see grammargirl.com).

I was supposed to arrive at a new corporate client this afternoon. Not knowing how long the taxi ride would take I, of course, left a few minutes early. Arrived at my destination 10 minutes ahead of time.

At first I thought maybe I had misunderstood the start date; all the lights were off and the place looked closed. As I was standing there contemplating my next move, I noticed two people sneak up to the front door and very carefully let themselves in...so I followed them.

The place was definitely dark and as my eyes adjusted I begin to make out shadowy shapes of people on the floor and on top of desks. Then it dawned on me: it was still nap time. So I waited in a darkened reception room until 1:30pm when all the lights came on, people stretched and yawned and got up to face the afternoon.

Business as usual.



Al said...

Hurray for naps!

Steve said...

Hurray for ending a sentence with a preposition.

Anonymous said...

We should have tried that.