Friday, April 30, 2010

It's the End of the Month, It Must Be the Buttocks of a Dog.

Apparently, the end of the month, especially in cool weather, is the traditional time to eat dog meat. The Vietnamese believe that thit cho is more nutritious than any other meat, in addition to being delicious, and that eating it now will give you good health for the coming month. So our favorite beer garden behind the mausoleum was packed with tables of red-faced guys ordering heaping plates of dog. We also noticed that the restaurants we walked by that feature dog were full. Then, as we were walking through the alley toward home, a guy passed us on a motorbike. On the back was a small cage with four German shepherds jammed in so tightly that they couldn't move. Take-out delivery, I guess.

O.'s students told her that the dogs are killed by beating them to death, on the theory that this tenderizes the meat and releases chemicals that make it tastier and more nutritious. I wasn't inclined to try dog before I heard that. Now it's definitely off my to-do list.


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