Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Rockets' Red Glare.

We went out with our friends Justin and Jyoti to a great little Moroccan restaurant last night, and just as we were finishing our dessert, there was a series of loud explosions. We all jumped up and looked out and saw the beginning of a huge fireworks show.

Earlier, we had noticed that there were more of the paddleboat swans out on the lake than we'd ever seen at one time. Must have been waiting for the show. The fireworks went on for almost half an hour. Then the streets filled with families on motorbikes. The traffic was intense, people were squeezing through even the tiniest opening, driving on the sidewalk, getting through any way they could.

We fled on foot back to J&J's place, which was within (long) walking distance. An hour later, when we left for home, the traffic had thinned, and we were able to make our way to Doi Can without any congestion.

And that was the end of the celebration of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the end of the American War.

It was odd to be here today. Our students were a little hesitant to tell us what the holiday was about at first, but it led to some good discussions. They said (perhaps thinking to soothe our feelings) that it wasn't an important holiday to them, though it was a big deal for their parents' generation.

My generation, too.


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