Monday, May 3, 2010

Snow White and the Seven Schoolchildren.

Competition for students among schools is intense here, especially at the primary level. There are dozens of such schools in our local area. One of the ways they compete is to paint colorful cartoon murals on the walls of the school to attract the children and their mothers. Of course, copyright laws are not an issue, so Disney characters are very popular.

This mural is one of the better done ones, from a school in our maze of alleys.

The school itself.

A little further down the alley, its archrival proudly sports its own designs.

If I were choosing a school for my children, I'd go with
the pig and elephant boys.
How about you?


1 comment:

Steve said...

I don't know, Peter. It is hard to pass up Disney's Snow White if you are a real 'merican. Just don't eat the apples.