Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pineapple of My Eye.

Well, the weather was pretty good for a while. Sure, there were hot and humid days, but mostly it's been warm and soft, but not drippy. Until last week. Temperatures in the early hundreds and humid to the point that two steps out of the front door and your clothes are wringing wet. Summer's here, and believe me, no one's dancing in the streets.

The fritter vendor on the corner now sells fresh-squeezed sugarcane juice instead. And the chilled pineapple has become our god.

Oh, we tried the tiny pineapples they sell here a few times over the nine months we've lived here, but they are sour. You have to sprinkle them with sugar to eat them. So we mostly didn't.

But hot weather does have a few (very few) benefits. Suddenly the pineapples are incredibly sweet and tasty. Best pineapples ever, I swear. We can't get enough of them.

And the mobile pineapple vendors are always there to supply our addiction.

They prepare them for you on the spot. With a very
sharp knife, they skin the fruit, then with a few deft flicks
of the wrist make spiral cuts to remove the eyes.
In 30 seconds or less you have a delicious
chunk of fruit ready to eat.
We are so going to miss this when we go home.


1 comment:

Eileen said...

We were big on the sugarcane juice in summer but even more sought after was the flavored icee. We called it Gola...yummmm.

No pineapples on the street tho...