Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've Lost My Driving Passion.

I grew up in Southern California, so cars have always been a huge part of my life. I learned to drive as soon as it was legally possible and have never been without a car since. In fact, a few years ago we had, as a two-person family, five vehicles. I loved fast cars and motorcycles and bought many of both.

It's now been about nine months since I've operated a motor vehicle, and I can't say I miss it much. For most errands, we walk. We walk far more than we ever did in CA, way more than most people do here. If we need to get somewhere too far to walk, if it's too hot to walk, or if we need to get somewhere quickly, there are always motorbike taxis lurking in the alley no more than 50 yards from our front door. Or if it's raining, we walk a little further to the main street and flag a cab.

We couldn't have a car here even if we wanted one. First, they are far more expensive than in the US. The government makes sure the cost is high in order to reduce the number of vehicles on the already too-crowded streets. Second, the alley that leads to our house is too narrow for a car to get through. A motorbike is the only option, but the traffic is too crazy. Of course we put our lives in to the hands of the xe om drivers every day, but it isn't the risk of bodily injury that worries mes the most. After all, the speed at which traffic moves here makes serious injury unlikely. The problem is liability. If you get into a traffic accident here, there's no such thing as insurance, so any damages come out of your own pocket. And as a foreigner you're automatically blamed and, since you're obviously rich, fined heavily.

So we rely on our feet and taxis. It works.



reiser said...

My take-a-way from thinking about this and many of your other blogs is how I here your awareness growing. You two are becoming a living, breathing demonstration of the how valuable travel and life in other counties can be. An education....
Proof that you were so right to take your journey. Thanks.

reiser said...

Save the extra "the" and correct "here" to "hear".

Ophelia and Peter said...

Thanks, Richard. This has definitely been a life-changing experience for us both. We are very glad we did it.

reiser said...

And we appreciate your sharing.
Much better than driving down to Westminster Blvd.