Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Conversation With Chubbers The Love Chimp.

Whenever we watch the girls on Wednesday night, Luciya always monopolizes her beloved Gwams. Gwampa Peter is okay if no one else is around, but otherwise it's all Gwams, all the time. "It's just for girls, Gwampa," L. explains, polite, but firm. "It's not for boys."

So that means it's me and Mirabel, aka Chubbers the Love Chimp, etc. She has recently shed a lot of her baby fat, so the old nicknames like Fatty the Fat-Faced Ferret and The Loving Lump of Love Lard are no longer appropriate.

She has also become much more engaged and verbal, 
so while O. and L. pIay Mommy and Baby or demonstrate their
high-falutin' "Kolaudies Dance," Mirabel and I sit and have
long, refined conversations in fluent babble.

She loves throwing in a few juicy raspberries and especially,
punctuating her remarks with a loud motorboat flapping of 
her lower lip modulated by the four fingers of her left hand.
The tee shirt says it all.

Currently her favorite word is "a-da." She likes to say it with 
great force and gusto, but she likes it even better 
when I say it back to her. It never fails to elicit a delighted grin.



Anonymous said...

She is so cute.

I'm here in Bangkok loving every minute with Kavin, Justin and Jyoti.

Wish you were here, but know you are very happy in Idaho and that is great!

Diane DeNormandie

Ophelia and Peter said...

Thanks, Diane,
We wish we were there, too. But we are enjoying our time here. Have a great trip and a wonderful time with your new grandson!