Sunday, April 17, 2011

Look Out--It's Badfoot!

Today John and Emily threw a huge birthday party for Luciya's fourth birthday and for three of her friends who also have birthdays this month.

L. has been eagerly awaiting the event for months and the chance to wear her new party dress. But today, just before the party, L. came out and announced: "I'm Badfoot!"
"Hi, Badfoot," we all replied. O. then asked her if she wanted to put her party dress on.

"No," she snarled disdainfully. "I'm Badfoot!"

But luckily, the party went on as planned.

There was much delicious food.

There were goats (which drove poor Mila, who was excluded from the festivities, 
wild with jealousy).

Lovely Eryn flew in from California.

 The four birthday girls. L. searching for a snack.

 Her birthday cupcake.


Mirabel had a great time, too.


1 comment:

Steve said...

Badfoot does look pretty bad in the top pic.