Friday, October 14, 2011

In Which I Engineer A New Job.

On Monday, I start a new job! Last week, I got a call from a headhunter asking if I'd like to apply for a Test Engineer position at HP. I would. I hung up. Then I laughed because I am so not an engineer.

But looking over the job requirements, I thought that I could handle most of them and learn the rest easily enough, so I took the pre-screening test and sent it back, figuring what the hell.

Aced it, apparently. So I was called in for an interview on Monday, spent two hours answering a very detailed set of questions, then took another written test.

I really liked the two guys I interviewed with and thought the interview went very well. I went home still thinking it was a long shot, but that I had done about as good a job selling my capabilities as I could.

Apparently, they thought so too, because they called me an hour later to offer me the job.

So this weekend I'm studying XML and shopping for an engineer's hat.

I hope they let me blow the whistle.



Al Christensen said...

Ah, the strange twists life takes. Like Steve Jobs said, you can't connect the dots going forward, you can only see them looking back. Good Luck, amigo.

Ophelia and Peter said...

Thanks, Al. It seems odd to start a new career at my age, but that's what keeps life interesting.

Elaine said...

Obviously you have the talent they want. Congratulations!

Uncle Linty said...

I think it takes a lot or courage to take on a challenge at any age. I think we'll enjoy your posts as you report the surprises you experience. Good luck Pete!

Ophelia and Peter said...

Thanks, Elaine and UL. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Steve said...

Now wait a little minute here, you just got a job as a test engineer AND you aced the test? That is SO great and so improbable. What is a Test Engineer? What do you test? What do you engineer?

Peter, that really is great - Congratulations! - and I would be less surprised if I found out that you were hired by the CIA.

Congrats again!

Eileen said...

Great news Peter! Congratulations my friend of many talents!