Monday, October 3, 2011

Goodbye, Summer.

We've had a long, glorious summer, but it looks like it's finally coming to a close. There are pumpkins in the produce bins, alongside the last of the locally-grown peaches and heirloom tomatoes.

On Saturday, it was in the 90s again, but it's a dry heat, so thin that you hardly even break a sweat, so fleeting that as soon as the sun nears the horizon, the evening turns cool and lovely.

Today, it's in the mid 80s, but by Wednesday it's supposed to be in the low 60s and raining.

 In the last hours of summer, Mirabel performed her poignant End of Summer dance.

Luciya dressed for the occasion.

There was time to commune with the chickens.

But we could all sense that fall was in the air.



Steve said...

Where is the killer dog when the chickens are out?

Ophelia and Peter said...

The killer dog must either stay in the house or in her dog run while the chickens run free.