Thursday, February 11, 2010

So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish Sauce.

Our last day in Phu Quoc. We strolled through town to the river to see the rest of the port.
UPDATE: Click here for all our photos of our stay in Phu Quoc.

The squid boats are tied together waiting for dusk. The big lights
mounted above their decks are used to lure the squid into the nets.

The harbor is crowded and dirty. The boats are rickety, but apparently functional.

Later, we toured the fish sauce factory. Said tour consisted of various
people pointing out the warehouse where the giant vats of fermenting anchovies
lurk in odiferous splendor, and indicating that we should wander amongst them
to our hearts' content. We did.

A worker drowses away the afternoon.

P. does the same.

And so the sun sets on our final day here. Next stop: Ho Chi Minh City.


1 comment:

Beth said...

Looks like a great vacation and you look like you're enjoying yourselves!