Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Elusive Silver Falls.

In the afternoon the clouds broke and the sun gave us a whole different view of Sapa.
We saw a sign that read "Silver Falls" pointing up the road that climbs
into the hills above town. It promised adventure, so we decided to explore.

We trudged for a couple miles through beautiful scenery.
Every once in a while we'd see a sign to assure us that we were still
on the right road. A couple of tour buses passed us going up hill,
but none came back the other way.

The road was lined with lush vegetation and old houses.

A funky old hotel.

After a while, O.'s feet began to hurt, so she rested while I walked
quickly ahead to find the falls, which unfortunately remained elusive.

Finally, we gave up and hobbled back to town. We rested at a small cafe.

We were very glad that we weren't carrying this kind of load.

Later, we found out the the falls were six or seven miles from town, so we were wise to give up when we did.


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