Thursday, July 1, 2010

Two Forms of Worship on the Road to Da Nang.

Our driver picked us up early, and we started the three-hour journey to from Hue to Da Nang.

The road runs through the coastal mountains and offers many magnificent vistas.

We stopped at the top of the highest pass to see Da Nang spread out before us.

At the top of the pass is a cluster of stalls manned (womaned, mostly)
by a host of vendors shouting the usual personal questions,
but I managed to elude them long enough to find this
wonderful little shrine behind the stalls.

These temple dogs have to be kin to the goofy reindeer from Hanoi.

The shrine is obviously well-tended, probably by vendors praying for better sales.

On the hill just above the shops, the worship of the state is also represented.

I like the dogs myself.


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