Saturday, June 11, 2011

Eagle Gets The Squirts.

Okay, it's not about a bird of prey in gastrointestinal distress. It's about the little town of Eagle and how they celebrate their annual Fun Day.

With a parade, of course. But it's really about how the parade ends.

John and I took Luciya to Eagle Fun Day because we thought it would be. What it was was jammed. Parking was difficult, and finding John and Luciya in the mob was even more so. Eventually, we rendezvoused and watched the parade which must have included a car or truck from every company in Eagle or that wants to do business with Eagle folk. Minions walked along beside the vehicles strewing candy at the feet of the crowd, much to L.'s delight.

For the rest of us, it was a tad tedious, but they were saving the best for last.

We could see it coming. I wisely retired into the beer vending area, and purchased a cold Teton Ale, while John was obligated to endure the finale for L.'s sake.

First, the fire truck hosed the crowd, then the crowd retaliated with all manner of squirt guns 
and a couple fire hoses of their own. In moments, those closest to the street were soaked, 
and those of us with the foresight to absent ourselves from that vicinity were almost trampled 
by the fleeing mob. L. was in heaven, of course, which was the point.

Then we went to a barbeque joint and got sticky. A fun day indeed.


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