Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Scenes of Old Hanoi

Yesterday we went to get some large (16"x24") photo prints made to decorate our bare walls. Our search for a good printer took us to an area of Hanoi we have not visited before. The price was right ($2.00 per gorgeous print) and we were told that all six would be ready in an hour. Well, the hour turned into three, but the results were well worth it, and while we were waiting, we explored the neighborhood and found the remains of an old walled enclave or village.

On the left is one side of the old gate. The other side
is built into a building across the street. The metal hinges are still on it.

A close=up of the top of the gatepost.

Inside the gates, we found this tranquil little reservoir.

Complete with water dragons.

And not a whole lot of trash.

Once we got our prints, we emerged into full rush hour traffic.

Hanoi style.

Full moto frenzy! Note the guy in the lower right corner is talking on his cell phone.
Now where's a cab?


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