This has not only added greatly to the dust and filth level, but has completely blocked our closest access to the street.
At first we could squeeze through the blocks they put up, but then it became totally impassable.
There are dozens of stores and street vendors selling everything from meat, vegetables, and fruit to plastic shoes. There are barbers and beauty salons and tailors.
So far we have found at least five additional ways out. The way to the west eventually leads back to Doi Can, but the way is long and narrow and tortuous, with many places barely wide enough for a motorbike (which doesn't stop everybody from barreling through it at top speed when possible).
the source of which we prefer not to contemplate.
We are very glad that it's cool enough to wear close-toed shoes.
The way to the east is less daunting, but quite a bit longer.
It eventually leads to the east end of Doi Can through this construction area we call the War Zone:
There's at least one other route that runs north and west. It's actually reasonably clean and wide enough for a taxi almost all the way to the alley that leads to our alley. Altogether it has been a fascinating exploration, and there's still more to see. But we'll be glad to have our old access back.
External forces causing us to change and discover new paths and opportunities. There's a metaphor in there somewhere. ;^)
That does not look too hard to dismantle....mmmmm
Al--So true. It's been the story of our life. For the last year especially.
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