Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Meet The Nicest People on a Honda.

6 million people in Hanoi, most of them on scooters. And the rules are: every man, woman, and child for themselves. Sure there are one-way streets, but that doesn't mean you can't go the other way if you want to. It's self-organizing chaos and not for the faint of heart.

Even the youngest feel the need for speed.

Mom, baby, and Ultraman balloon on their way to a party.

When baby's a little older, he can stand up and look around.

Unfortunately, this didn't come out. There is an infant standing between her mama's legs, hanging on with practiced skill, while mom is texting and weaving adroitly through the throng. Now that takes coordination!

Who doesn't desire peace, love, and crabs?

Check out those heels. In case you were wonder what to pack for your trip to Hanoi. We're looking at you, Eileen!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Kick starting that thing in heels....now that brings back memories. May I assume that the bicycle plan has been superceded?! I can hear you salivating Peter...and I can see you on that Moto 'O'...fun fun fun.

It is going to be a challenge deciding on the best job...with so many choices. Have fun with it.